
lunes, 8 de enero de 2024

Consola pong Phonola Teleflipper (modelo G 7513/02) (1978)

Nueva en la colección: Phonola Teleflipper (modelo G 7513/02) (1978). Consola pong, con seis juegos en color en memoria (versión italiana de la Philips Odyssey 2100), fabricada en los Estados Unidos por Philips y vendida en 1978 con el nombre de "Phonola Teleflipper". La primera Odyssey, fabricada por la empresa norteamericana Magnavox, salió a la venta en 1972. Dos años más tarde (1974) Philips adquirió Magnavox y fabricó de 1975-1977, ocho consolas con el nombre de "Magnavox Odyssey" (modelos 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 2000, 3000 y 4000) con destino al mercado norteamericano. En Europa vendió cuatro consolas con el nombre de Philips Odyssey (con modulación PAL): la Philips Odyssey 200 (1976), la Philips Odyssey 2000 (1977), la Philips Odyssey 2001 (1977) y la Philips Odyssey 2100 (1978). La Odyssey 2100 (con carcasa de color marrón) fue la última consola de la serie vendida en Europa y la segunda de la serie europea con controladores extraíbles, imagen en color, puntuación en la pantalla, sonido en la TV y fuente de alimentación externa. No tenía panel de control (los juegos se seleccionaban y configuraban desde los controladores). En Italia la vendió, con carcasa de color beis, la empresa Phonola (filial de Philips) con el nombre de "Teleflipper". La filial italiana  también comercializó (con su nombre) otros equipos de la empresa matriz, entre ellos tres ordenadores MSX: Phonola VG 8000 (Philips VG-8000), Phonola VG-8010 (Philips VG-8010) y Phonola VG-8020 (Philips VG-8020).

La consola Phonola Teleflipper (Philips Odyssey 2100) incorporaba el IC "Pong in a Chip" de National Semiconductor MM-57186-N (versión PAL), con seis juegos en memoria (Wipeout, Flipper, Tennis, Handball, Hockey y Football). Cada uno de juegos contaba con dos o más variantes (total 23). Su imagen era en color y el sonido en la TV. En la carcasa superior, a izquierda y derecha, tenía dos compartimentos para los controladores. Los controladores eran extraíbles y estaban unidos físicamente a la consola mediante un cable. Cada uno disponía de un control giratorio y de un pulsador. El pulsador (azul) del controlador izquierdo se utilizaba para reiniciar el juego (el contador se ponía a cero) y, además, para cambiar el tamaño de las raquetas. El pulsador (verde) del controlador de la derecha se usaba para seleccionar las variantes del juego (Wipeout 1-7, Flipper 8-14, Tennis 15-16, Handball 17-18, Hockey 19-20 y Football 21-23). La velocidad y el ángulo de rebote se regulaba automáticamente. El juego de práctica (individual) se seleccionaba también con los controladores (era una de las variantes).

Los controladores eran extraíbles. Estaban unido de forma permanente a la consola mediante un cable.

En la parte posterior tenía la salida del cable RF para la TV y un conector (mini jack) para la fuente de alimentación externa (18,6V DC, 120mA, centro positivo).

En la carcasa inferior tenía grabado (en relieve) el lugar de fabricación (MADE IN U.S.A). En la carcasa inferior también tenía una etiqueta con el nombre de la empresa (PHONOLA), el modelo (TYPE G 7513/02) y el número de serie (139129). Para acceder al interior se giraba (a la izquierda) el tornillo central de sujeción y se retiraba la carcasa inferior. La placa base (de pequeño tamaño) estaba sujeta a la carcasa superior.

 El IC "todo en uno" (Pong in a Chip) MM-57186-N (PAL) es el IC de mayor tamaño de la placa. Además tenía otros dos IC,s de  National Semiconductor: el LM1889N encargado del enviar la señal RF (dos canales) a la TV, con la imagen (en color) y el sonido y el IC MM53114N (reloj digital) al lado del IC "todo en uno" (oculto debajo del componente amarillo).

En la prueba de funcionamiento se obtuvo imagen en color y sonido en la TV.

El transformador proporcionaba 18,6V y 120 mA. En la documentación (en este caso de la consola Philips Odyssey 2100 de la colección) se indicaba el tipo de juego y sus variantes (total 23). 

18 comentarios:

  1. I remember the glorious Phonola brand name. Here (1978) seems already only a rib of Philips (the console is only a rebranded Odyssey 2100.....). Company bought and dismembered of which only the brand remains (often this happens with companies acquired by a multinational.....)

  2. Yes it's correct. The same thing happened with Radiola in France.
    Until now I thought that the Phonola Teleflipper console was an Italian version of the Philips 2001.
    On the other hand, I have seen that some photographs of the annex of pong consoles of the Philips consoles: Tele-spiel (Germany), SECAM models (Philips, Schneider and Radiola) and the Odyssey (PAL) are from the consoles of the collection that They were on display at Retro Madrid a few years ago.
    The same occurs with part of the Ideal Computer Tele-Mach consoles and some other consoles that coincided in the exhibition (they are distinguished because they were with a cartouche (descriptive note) inside a display case.
    I apologize in advance because I know it would be extra work, but would it be possible to replace them with photographs from the blog? The link to the photograph would give much more information.

  3. In this link I have included information about the Telemaster T-1000 and T-800 consoles. I'm telling you this in case you consider it interesting to include the T-800 in the annex.

  4. You are talking about this page of wikipedia?


    You would like to use your photos and not the old "Retro Madrid" photos?

    I can't upload images of box, manuals and similars (the wiki admins delete them). So, as an example, I have preferred this photo of the shneider (not uploaded by me) that includes the box of the console (that give a better idea of the console, more info) and not one of your images.


    If the admins will delete the pages with the box (sigh....) I will use one of your photo.

  5. The photos of the Telemaster T-1000 and T-800 are your photos (so, with a cc-by licence) or are photos of someone else? If are photo of someone else we can't upload to wikimedia (unless are in origin published with an accepted wikipedia licence)

  6. I'm sorry, but the photos are not mine. I only told you because it was interesting to include the T-800 in the annex, to indicate that the model exists, even without the photograph.

  7. You're right, the T-800 isn't there. I hadn't noticed it. I will add it to the "Anexo".

    Another console not presents on 20thcenturyvideogames.com: good catch!

  8. Ok, I have added the T-800 (terminator?) to the Anexo and have corrected CPU and game count of the phonola. Let me know if you find some other wiki-errors.


  9. I have also replaced some old photos with your photos

  10. Thank you so much.
    If there is no problem, I will make some comments about the Regina consoles.
    As the only beige Regina consoles (externally similar to the Temco T-106C) that I am aware of, I decided to collect some more of those that were sold in Spain.
    One is the Regina T-800C color version (not the Regina T-800 B&W). I don't know if there will be a black and white version, but all the ones I know of are in color (I tell you this so that you take it into consideration in case you review the annex).
    The last Spanish pong console, I bought it in a lot with two others, one of them a Regina T-338 (with changed controllers). I wasn't going to make a blog entry, but in the performance tests I observed the following: one has an AY-3-8500-7 IC and the other has an AY-3-8500. The motherboard revision is different (338C1 and 338A) and so is its operation (4 and 5 pong games). In the collection there are two other consoles with the AY-3-8500-7 (one of them also with 5 pong games). In about two days I will make an entry with the new console and update the other one (with photographs of the two ICs).
    I have not seen any important reference to the AY-3-8500-7 in Wiki data (only that some consoles have it).
    If you consider it of interest to open a file for the AY-3-800-7 different from that for the AY-3-8500, you can use the information on the blog.
    Sorry for the long comment.

  11. I think that the AY-3-8500-7 and the AY-3-8500 (625-line PAL version) have the same games. 5 pong games and 2 rifle games. The fifth pong game is the "handicap" game, where the right player has a third paddle. There is also the AY-3-8500-1 that is the 525-line NTSC. It would be interesting to know if there are some differences between the games of the ay-3-8500 and the ay-3-8500-7

  12. P.S.: the "anexo" of spanish, italian etc languages, are built automatically from the data on Wikidata (www.wikidata.org).
    At the moment in wikidata there is a page for every die but they are not differentiated between pal/ntsc or some other revision number (as the ay-3-8500-7). It would also be a big job to create this differentiation and change all the console to point to the right die version. And some console use multiple version/revision of the same die (pal, ntsc etc...). I think also to consoles of second, third etc generation that should be reviewed; so I presume we should also ask consensus to the wiki community before taking action ....

    Pheraps a better choice would be to explain the different die revision in the single wikipedia language pages (here for eng: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AY-3-8500 where already are talking about the pal and ntsc versions)

  13. I have already published the new entry for the Regina T-338 console and have updated the information from the previously published one.
    The link you indicate seems to be the right place to provide information on the AY-3-8500-7, although I would dedicate at least a full paragraph to it. The same happens with AY-3-8600, which should have its own paragraph, with updated information.

  14. Two other Binatone consoles in the collection have an AY-3-8500-7 (both have 5 pong games). I haven't seen any difference in the games.

  15. Yes, it seems that the console exists. I had already seen the photograph but the information is confusing (the photograph of the console corresponds to the T-338)

  16. From that link, the "Diveli TV Games 2000" console is the same as the "Trimen Polijuegos" from "Spanish pong". The control panel is the same as the pong console "Juegos TV color" from the collection:

  17. Yes, you are right. But the "Diveli TV Games 2000" is larger. And it is identical to the Trimen Polijuegos (same dimension, same color, same controller)
